Before you get a guinea pig!

Published on 28 September 2023 at 19:57

Owning guinea pigs can be rewarding and fun! Before you take on the responsibility of owning guinea pigs there are a number of things you need to consider! Please see below.



Guinea pigs should live in at least pairs. They are herd animals that require company of their own kind. No amount of human interaction can replace a guinea pigs need for another piggie friend. Boars can be kept in pairs and sometimes trios or a single neutered boar can live with a group of sows. Sows can be kept in pairs or larger groups depending on the space you have! Please see companionship section for more information.


Guinea pigs require a large amount of space to be able to live a healthy, happy life. Please see housing section for more information.

Vets and costs

You will need to find a guinea pig savvy exotic vet. Bills can be expensive from vets so its important to have money set aside in case of any unexpected trips! Make sure never to delay a vet visit to avoid money costs.


Guinea pigs require daily water, food, spot cleans and welfare checks so they take a lot of time to look after! They cannot be left for more than 24hrs without someone checking on them or feeding them. Please see my boarding page.

Guinea pigs for children

Guinea pigs can make good family pets but they will always remain the adults responsibility. If you cannot commit to meeting their needs then I wouldn't suggest adopting them! You can't guarantee that children will remain interested and many end up becoming bored. Getting guinea pigs used to you can take time, until they are used to you it can be difficult for them to be handled by kids.


A healthy guinea pig can live up to 6-8 years. 

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